Good Street! (LKW)
Since 2018, Zara Pfeifer has regularly joined truck drivers on trips around Europe and photographed their daily life. Good Street features analogue photos and short films taken on these trips, where Pfeifer shares a truck cabin with the driver, including eating and sleeping, for days at a time. The images document the friction between the raw infrastructure of globalisation and the humans it ultimately depends on. How optimised should a system be when it still needs a person – with banal needs, fears and family issues, longings and desires – at the wheel?
Künstlerhaus Vienna "On the Road Again"
Austrian Cultural Forum Prague
Galerie Kernweine Stuttgart
TOP19BTM19 Vienna
Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin ENTKUNSTUNG
Curated by Festival, Galerie Georg Kargl Vienna Vienna Transit
Krinzinger Projekte Wien Enjoy Photography 5
Fotogalerie Wien Ohne Titel (Sommerausgabe)
Nordwestbahnhof Wien Stadt in Bewegung
xhibit Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Road Registers
enorm Magazin, Fotograf Magazine, C41 Magazine, BOOOOOOOM, DIE ZEIT, Harvard Business Manager
Good Street! Cap
In collaboration with Primitive Hut we created a Good Street! Cap
Truckers are often exposed to the sun while driving, especially on their left arm and left side of their face. Each cap is hand bleached on one side and has unique variations.